November 23, 2011

Day 18- For Someone Else

Today we get to make something for someone else in our life!  Who needs some love?  Or you could make a gift for someone else for the holidays!

Day 17- Look Our Your Window

When I look outside my window now I see the park with most of the leaves gone.  It isn't very green anymore so I'm using my crafting to counter this for the winter.  For my wedding I gave out evergreen tree seedlings as the wedding favors.  I attempted to grow some of these in my apartment afterwards... and they died...

So I planted flower seeds in all of the pots of the trees that had died.  I still have one more tree so cross your fingers that it lives!

Here's what my flowers look like that I planted earlier this year.  Hopefully they'll start growing quickly and I'll have green plants/flowers to fill up the windowsills while outdoors is brown.

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